Here You Can
Islamic Quizes
Play from 10,000+ Quiz questions.
Different Categories & Difficulties
Select from 10+ categories and 3 difficulty levels.
Rise to the top in the leaderboard.
Use power-ups to skip the question, pause time or reduce the choices to half when needed.

What Our Users Had To Say?
AHM Muzahid
It's amazing app for kids & adults to gather knowledge & improve self knowledge. Everyone should try this & see how much questions can answer
Md Mehedi Hasan Millat
A great app to test our Islamic knowledge through an easy way. Alhamdulillah
Md.Harunur Rashid
OMG now it is out of my imagination!!! What a nice tool it is! Thanks GTAF!!!
Abdul Hadi
A exellent game!!! I have known many things from it. I will say everyone to install it and enjoy it.😊😊😊😊
Sumaiya Hafiz
Alhamdulillah its a awesome app.. Any one can learn many things from these! Jazak Allahu khairun☺☺.. Please everyone try to download these app ! It will be a great benefit for you!!
What Our Users Had To Say?
AHM Muzahid
It's amazing app for kids & adults to gather knowledge & improve self knowledge. Everyone should try this & see how much questions can answer
Md Mehedi Hasan Millat
A great app to test our Islamic knowledge through an easy way. Alhamdulillah
Md.Harunur Rashid
OMG now it is out of my imagination!!! What a nice tool it is! Thanks GTAF!!!
Abdul Hadi
A exellent game!!! I have known many things from it. I will say everyone to install it and enjoy it.😊😊😊😊
Sumaiya Hafiz
Alhamdulillah its a awesome app.. Any one can learn many things from these! Jazak Allahu khairun☺☺.. Please everyone try to download these app ! It will be a great benefit for you!!
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