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How do I contribute to GTAF?

JazakAllahu khairan for your interest in contributing to our projects!
There are many ways to contribute to make our apps and services even better. We need and welcome you.


Donate to our projects so that we can continue this blessed work, in sha Allah. Kindly visit gtaf.org/donate to donate. May Allah accept your intention and reward you for it.


Our apps are developed in Android, iOS and Flutter. If you can help in any of these, visit gtaf.org/career-volunteer to select your field of expertise that resonates with our requirements, and then follow the instructed procedure.


If you are fluent in both English and another language, you can help us translate our apps. Visit gtaf.org/career-volunteer to select your field of expertise that resonates with our requirements, and then follow the instructed procedure.

Suggestions and bug reports

Give us suggestions or bug reports at gtaf.org/contact so that we can continue improving our apps.


Share our apps with your family, friends and others so that more people can get benefit from our apps, in sha Allah. Follow us on social medias for our regular updates.