Why do some surahs have different names?
Some surahs in the Quran are known by multiple names. You can verify this by comparing Mushafs from different parts of the world.
Some examples:
- Surah 9: Known as “At-Taubah” (the repentance) and “Al-Bara’ah” (disassociation)
- Surah 17: Known as both “Al-Isra” (night journey) and “Bani Isra’eel” (children of Israel)
- Surah 40: Called “Ghafir” (the forgiver) and “Al-Mu’min” (the believer)
- Surah 76: Referred to as “Al-Insan” (the human) and “Ad-Dahr” (time)
- Surah 111: Known as “Al-Lahab” (the flame) and “Al-Masad” (the palm fiber)
References: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/163112/
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