Chinese Word By Word Quran Translation in Quran App

Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah,
Alhamdulillah, Quran Word by Word translation in Chinese is now available on your favourite ‘Al Quran (Tafsir & by word)’ app.
We hope this will help our Chinese-speaking brothers and sisters better understand the Quran insha’Allah.
How to Enable Chinese Word by Word Translation?
Just follow these steps to use this:
- Open any Surah in the app
- Tap the top-right icon to open Quick Settings
- Tap the ‘Word By Word’ option and swipe down to refresh the list
- You will now find the Chinese language listed
- Tap Chinese to download and read the word-by-word translation
- Enjoy reading Al Quran word by word in Chinese
The following video demonstrates how to enable Chinese word-by-word translation in the Quran app.
Share this exciting update with everyone in your network, so they can also benefit from this, insha’Allah.
Jazak Allahu Khairan to all who helped us to make the Quran word by word in Chinese language. This is done in collaboration with various brothers. We would like to give special thanks to the following people.
- The Chinese word by word data is based on this website’s PDFs, published in Taiwan and written in Traditional Chinese. We got permission from them to include this in our app, Alhamdulillah.
- Brother Ma, Zhiren has dedicated many years of his spare time to studying the Quran systematically. Finally, his word to word translation work has been completed with the efforts of many people in 2014. Here is more information.
- Then it was digitalized under the supervision of brother Adam Voo and Usama Nonnenmacher, in collaboration with brothers Suleyman Abdullah and Max Ma.
- Brother Adam Voo is based in Malaysia, engaged in giving Da’wah to ethnic Chinese people in Malaysia.
- Brother Usama helped streamline and speed up the process a lot, extracting data from PDFs in Excel format, and making adjustments as needed. He is also the translator of French word-by-word translation in our app.
- Brother Max is a Chinese revert living in Canada. He read the English word-by-word translation in the GTAF app and accepted Islam Alhamdulillah.
- Brother Suleyman helped fasten the process by giving helpful suggestions and advised us on how to make the translation available to as many people as possible.
May Allah reward them all in the world and the hereafter. We also pray that Allah blesses our Chinese brothers and sisters through the Quran app.
Download the app: Android | iOS | Windows
Note: If the download links don’t work normally, please try using VPN to download the app