
Albanian Word By Word Quran Translation and Tafsir in Quran App

Albanian WBW Quran Translation

Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah,

Alhamdulillah, the Quran Word by Word translation and Tafsir As-Saadi in Albanian are now available in the ‘Al Quran’ app, aiding Albanian speakers in understanding the Quran, Insha’Allah.

We hope this will help our Albanian-speaking brothers and sisters better understand the Quran, Insha’Allah.

How to Enable Albanian Word By Word? 

Just follow the below steps:

  1. Open any Surah in the app
  2. Tap the top-right icon to open Quick Settings
  3. Tap the ‘Word By Word’ option and swipe down to refresh the list
  4. You will now find the Albanian language listed
  5. Tap Albanian to download and read the word-by-word translation
  6. Enjoy reading Al Quran word by word in Albanian

The following video demonstrates how to enable Albanian word-by-word translation in your ‘Al Quran (Tafsir & by Word)’ app.

How to Read Albanian Tafsir As-Saadi?

Just follow these steps to do this:

  1. Open any Surah in the app
  2. Tap the top-right icon to open Quick Settings
  3. Tap the ‘Tafsir’ option and swipe down to refresh the list
  4. You will now find the Albanian Tafsir As-Saadi listed
  5. Tap to download the start reading the tafsir in Albanian, in sha Allah
  6. You can read the tafsirs in regular reading mode by ticking Tafsir checkbox in the Quick Settings (only in android)
  7. Or you can also read the Tafsir only in Tafsir reading mode. Disable the tafsir checkbox in the Quick settings and go to Tafsir reading mode by tapping on the 3 dot menu above any ayah > Tafsir/Note view

Download the app: Android | iOS

Share this exciting update with everyone in your network, so they can also benefit from this in Ramadan, Insha’Allah.


Ustadh Jahja Hondozi shared the Albanian Quran word-for-word with us, and a group of volunteers helped us add Tafsir As-Saadi in Albanian. Jazakum Allahu Khairan. May Allah reward them all in this world and the hereafter, ameen.

Short Biography of Ustadh Jahja Hondozi

Born in April 1981 in the small town of Rahovec in western Kosova, Jahja Hondozi completed his primary and secondary education in his hometown to pursue a BA in Orientalistics at the Faculty of Philology in Prishtina. During this time, he also specialized in Arabic language and culture at the Higher Institute for Arabic Language in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 2002 to 2004.

Hondozi earned his master’s degree in Linguistics from the University of Prishtina in 2010 and is currently nearing the completion of his doctoral studies in Linguistics. Since 2007, he has served as:

  • Teaching assistant for Arabic Language and Literature in the Department of Orientalistics;
  • External associate for Arabic language and literature at the University of Tetova and its branch in Skopje, North Macedonia;
  • Lecturer of Arabic language at the Faculty of Islamic Studies in Prishtina.

He has published and translated numerous scientific works and articles in various local and regional journals. He has also translated and published several works of Arabic literature, including Khalil Gibran’s The Broken Wings and You Have Your Lebanon and I Have Mine, Ibn Khaldun’s Mukaddime on civilization, Divani of Sheh Maliqi, which explores Islamic religious and spiritual heritage, as well as Ottoman Empire, exploring the factors that contributed to its rise and fall. Additionally, he authored two books on teaching Arabic to foreigners, titled Contemporary Arabic 3 and 4, published by the State University of Tetovo in North Macedonia.

Hondozi has participated in various regional and international symposiums in locations such as Tetovo, Kiçovo (North Macedonia), Lille (France), Kuwait, Doha (Qatar), and Riyadh. He also founded the “Fener” Institute of Arabic Language in 2019, where the Arabic of the Qur’an is taught.

Why the Qur’an word by word into Albanian?

In September 2019, brother Hondozi established the Fener Institute of Arabic Language, with an innovative teaching methodology based exclusively on verses from the Qur’an. While developing this teaching methodology, in discussions with a group of students, the idea emerged to translate the Qur’an into Albanian word by word – a beneficial project to bring readers even closer to the word of Allah by directly connecting them to the meanings of the revealed words.

Since it was a matter of achieving the most accurate translation of the words, throughout the entire translation process, he primarily relied on classical Arabic dictionaries to extract the root of each word (such as Lisan al-‘Arab by Ibn Manzur), as well as on credible classical tafsirs (like those of al-Tabari, al-Qurtubi, al-Baghawi, and others).

Alhamdulillah, after a systematic four-year effort, the translation project was successfully completed in the beginning of 2025.

Brother Hondozi is fully aware that the Qur’an is the Qur’an only in the Arabic language, and this is simply a modest attempt in the long list of many efforts, both before and after his. Only Allah is perfect, and we, His creations, strive and engage according to our limited capabilities.

He remains hopeful that experts in the field, linguists, translators, and mufassirs, when reading this translation, will send us their suggestions and recommendations for incorporation into future revisions.

May Allah the Almighty forgive him and everybody involved for their unintentional or careless shortcomings.

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